Unlocking the power of AGMs: a guide for colleague shareholders

Our quick guide to AGMs will help you make the most of these essential shareholder meetings.

Annual General Meetings (AGMs) are an essential event for NatWest shareholders.

In this guide, we'll explore what AGMs are, why your participation matters, how to cast your vote, and the important decisions you might get to weigh in on.

What are AGMs?

AGMs are important yearly events for a company’s shareholders. An AGM is a meeting where the company shares updates on its performance, future plans, and key financial details.

Importantly, it's a chance for shareholders like you to have your voice heard and play a role in decision-making.

NatWest’s 2024 AGM was on 23rd April 2024.

What sort of things can you vote on?

AGMs cover a range of topics. Those you can vote on are called ‘resolutions’. You might be asked to vote on the re-election of directors, the company's corporate and social responsibility policy, or executive pay.

These decisions directly impact the company's governance and your investment, making your vote a powerful tool in steering NatWest's future.

Why should you vote?

Voting at AGMs is your chance to influence important decisions. By casting your vote, you're contributing to choices that can impact the direction of the company. It's a way for shareholders to collectively shape the future of NatWest.

Your vote matters. When shareholders collectively express their views, it sends a clear message to the company's leadership. Your participation helps shape the decisions that align with the best interests of the shareholders and the overall success of NatWest.

How do you vote?

Voting is easy through your EquatePlus account. Just log in look for the AGM voting task – this will appear in your account a few weeks before the AGM, and you’ll need to submit your votes before the meeting takes place.

You can also vote using the EquateMobile app.


In conclusion, AGMs are a key part of being a NatWest shareholder. They offer a platform for you to be an active participant in the company's decision-making process.

Your vote is a valuable tool in influencing important matters, ensuring that NatWest's direction aligns with the collective vision of its shareholders.